

link 28.05.2011 18:27 
Subject: to rubber-stamp Claimant’s legal characterization of its claim law
If the Tribunal had followed Claimant’s interpretation of this doctrine, it would have been bound in effect to rubber-stamp Claimant’s legal characterization of its claim as arising from an “investment” within the meaning of the Italy-Russia Bilateral Investment Treaty and, therefore, to retain jurisdiction.


link 28.05.2011 20:23 
usually when one talks about something being rubber-stamped, that means it's being/been made official. Literally, a worthless piece of paper made law by putting an official seal/stamp on it


link 28.05.2011 20:23 
although that's a colloquial expression, never came across it in formal documents


link 28.05.2011 21:12 
It's a memo, so it's a "semi-formal" document.


link 28.05.2011 21:20 


link 28.05.2011 22:40 
бездумно/"на автомате" воспроизвести правовую позицию истца, который (в своей правовой аргументации) описывает/характеризует/определяет основания для предъявления им своего иска как якобы вытекающие из...
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