

link 22.05.2011 13:23 
Subject: Constrained-off/on plant
Подскажите, пожалуйста, как правильно перевести слова

Constrained-on/Constrained-off (plant)


Constrained-on: a generator is dispatched to some positive level when the RRP is less than the generator’s offer price in respect of that quantity; and

Constrained-off: a generator is dispatched at less than its offered quantity when the RRP exceeds its offer price in respect of that quantity.

Заранее спасибо.


link 23.05.2011 11:57 
Это у вас про Австралию? Тогда вам надо самообразоваться про тонкости функционирования осси'з энергорынка. Почитайте вот здесь:
Вот оттуда кусок прямо про ваши проблемы:
Now consider the case of a generator which is paid a relatively low (regional) price for its output, but is dispatched to a level on its offer curve consistent with a much higher local price. If the quantity the generator would like to produce at the much higher local price is larger than the quantity it would like to produce at the low regional price, the generator is said to be “constrained on”. A generator that is constrained on has an incentive to offer a portion of its output at a higher price, in an attempt to reduce the amount for which it is dispatched, to bring its dispatch back into line with the price it is paid.
28. Again, whether there is just one generator or many generators which are constrained on, each has an incentive to raise the offer price for all or a portion of its output to the point where either (a) each constrained-on generator is able to reduce its output to the level it would like to be dispatched given the price it is paid (in which case some other generator(s) elsewhere in the network must have its output increased); or (b) each constrained-on generator offers some or all of its output at the highest allowed offer price, which is $10,000/MWh.
29. Generators which are constrained-on or constrained-off have a strong incentive not only to change their offer curves but also to change whatever other bidding parameters are available to them to increase or decrease the amount for which they are dispatched.
Good luck!


link 23.05.2011 19:02 
Спасибо, я Вам тоже могу пару подобных кусочков кинуть ;)
Мне б узнать, как это по-русски называется... А текст не про Австралию, нет.


link 23.05.2011 20:16 
а сами вы как бы перевели?
ну хоть сделайте попытку, а мы вас поправим, если что...


link 23.05.2011 20:33 
Понятия не имею. И времени вникать в эту область тоже нет. Словосочетание сonstrained-on plant встречается лишь раз за 150 страниц текста, и то в названии упомянутой мимоходом статьи (вышеприведенный контекст нашла в Интернете).

Подумала, может быть здесь есть специалисты, которые сталкивались с данным термином. Видимо, нет.


link 23.05.2011 20:49 
ну тогда "Пилите гирю, Шура" - с таким-то подходом


link 23.05.2011 20:58 
Гиря, в общем-то, уже распилена;)


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