

link 29.04.2011 13:30 
Subject: but the variation would still exist, and probably become even worse
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести. but the variation would still exist, and probably become even worse. Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:
A few steps in the process might be done quicker but the variation would still exist, and probably become even worse.
Заранее спасибо!

 SirReal moderator

link 29.04.2011 13:32 
контекст - что за область?
variation, видимо, различия, расхождения
не только останутся, но и, возможно, увеличатся


link 29.04.2011 13:40 
организация производства


link 29.04.2011 13:41 
This is how you improve a business process without spending additional capital. The business could have brought new, faster machines. It could have brought new scheduling software and software that better integrated information flow throughout the business. But that would not improve the business process performance. A few steps in the process might be done quicker but the variation would still exist, and probably become even worse.


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