

link 31.03.2011 22:31 
Subject: that results in the liquidity of the Facilities falling to a negligible level for a substantial period fin.
the Company agrees to pay to and reimburse the Depositary the following amounts upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

- the removal of the Depositary or termination by the Company of the Facilities during the five (5) years (or a longer period extended in agreement with the Company) from the date of the effectiveness of the Facilities, or if there occurs a change of control of the Company that results in the liquidity of the Facilities falling to a negligible level for a substantial period of time or significantly impairs the Depositary’s ability to service the Facilities, an amount equal to the total financial reimbursement(s) received multiplied by... etc.

в результате которой ликвидность Программ падает до незначительноого уровня в течение существенного периода времени

Facilities - депозитарные программы


link 1.04.2011 4:07 
в результате которой ликвидность Программ падает до ничтожного уровня на [мучительно] длинный период времени


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