

link 25.09.2010 11:30 
Subject: Pashtunwali релилия
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести.

Слово встречается в следующем контексте: Perhaps something like that is true of other cultures too, even unlike ones such as Judaism and Pashtunwali.

Заранее спасибо


link 25.09.2010 11:43 
как это ни банально, но Пуштунвали


link 26.09.2010 2:35 
It's more a trible code of conduct than a religion than a religion:


link 26.09.2010 5:29 
It's more a trible code of conduct than a religion

все сходится - в исходнике о них так и сказано:
even unlike ones such as ... - даже такие непохожие [друг на друга] как ...


link 26.09.2010 10:36 
I can't believe I mistyped the word "tribal"! I must have been sleepy.

Anyway, they're all Muslim as far as religion but their tribal code reportedly predates their adoption of Islam.


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