

link 23.06.2010 6:33 
Subject: вызвать пожарных
вызвать пожарных при аварии


link 23.06.2010 6:36 
To call for fire fighting crew in case of an accident


link 23.06.2010 6:40 
+call fire service in case of emergency


link 23.06.2010 6:43 
to cause firemen at a failure


link 23.06.2010 7:15 
Call the Fire Department in an emergency


link 23.06.2010 8:22 
+1)), только без артикля "an"


link 23.06.2010 9:06 
С артиклем, с артиклем.


link 23.06.2010 12:32 

Снова на арене?


link 23.06.2010 14:01 
without "a" - maybe in Britain (but I can't speak for the Brits), but not in the US - that's for sure. :)


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