

link 18.06.2010 12:07 
Subject: antecedent basis patents.
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antecedent basis
Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:
Claims 1-10 are generally indefinite for lack of antecendent basis in the claims
Заранее спасибо


link 18.06.2010 12:26 
More context:
(actually, a def.)
Antecedent basis - Any term you refer to in a patent claim as "the ..." must have been named previously in that claim, or one upon which it depends. That is, if a claim reads, "2. The widget of claim 1, in which the fringe is bidirectional," the word "fringe" must appear in claim 1 in a way which would permit the reader of the claim to determine what "the fringe" is. If there is no "fringe" in claim 1, then this claim would be rejected as "lacking antecedent basis." (See our page, "how to read an office action")


link 18.06.2010 12:55 
Ау, Серега! :)


link 18.06.2010 18:50 


link 19.06.2010 8:19 
...коими являются предшествующие основания...


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