

link 14.04.2010 7:55 
Subject: recruitment strategies pharm.
Recruitment will be monitored on an ongoing basis by the Sponsor. All sites should prior to FSFV have a recruitment strategy in place detailing how many subjects they can recruit within a certain period. The recruitment strategies should detail how many subjects a region/country or a site is allowed to randomise in each BMI category. If a site has not enrolled the planned number of ubjects according to the recruitment strategy half way through the recruitment period, the remaining subjects may be reallocated.

Подскажите, пожалуйста, как перевести "recruitment strategies" =алгоритм/ план отбора пациентов?


link 14.04.2010 8:09 


link 14.04.2010 11:45 
принципы/стратегия включения пациентов в исследование


link 14.04.2010 12:45 


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