

link 22.12.2009 11:14 
Subject: Гриппуем все меньше!
Это название статьи про снижение количества случаев заболевания гриппом в Башкортостане.

Flu epidemic is passing over

Дайте свои варианты, пожалуйста!


link 22.12.2009 11:18 
is on the decrease/decline/ebbing away


link 22.12.2009 11:18 
The Flu Wave To Recede



link 22.12.2009 11:19 
Flu gives in/capitulating


link 22.12.2009 11:23 
Гитлер капут и все вещи, угу)))
gives way/fades back


link 22.12.2009 11:27 
%&$, this is zagolovok поэтому depends
Поэтому Вар.


link 22.12.2009 11:41 
Flu away


link 22.12.2009 11:42 


link 22.12.2009 11:45 
вот еще вариант:

Fewer swine flu cases

Thursday, August 13, 2009, 10:20

SWINE flu cases in Bassetlaw have dipped significantly, but local health chiefs have warned against complacency.

Dr Philip Foster, of Crown House Surgery, said the drop in flu-like cases is an anticipated part of the flu cycle, which is expected to bite back in September and October.

Between July 27 and August 2, GP consultations for flu-like illness were at the rate of five per 100,000 people across Bassetlaw.

"Cases have been significantly lower in the last week," said Dr Foster. "I think we are past the cycle of a flu epidemic, but we should see a rise in cases in September and October.

"This is all part of the flu profile – an initial rush of cases, followed by a lull before an increase in cases later."

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Dr Foster added that people should continue to follow the official advice for preventing the spread of swine flu.

A regional swine flu update says across the East Midlands, 175 admissions to hospitals during the previous week have been recorded as possibly swine flu-related.

These admissions may not have been caused by swine flu, but by other health concerns.

Any case where swine flu is suspected to have been a contributing factor in the death of an individual is investigated. There are no confirmed cases of deaths in the whole of the East Midlands related to swine flu.

For those people feeling unwell, the advice is to:

Visit the Pandemic Flu website for information, FAQs, and a symptom checker www.direct.gov.uk/pandemicflu

Ring the National Swine Flu Information Line on 0800 1 513 513 for further information.

Call the National Pandemic Flu Service Treatment Line on 0800 1513100 to see if you need treatment (open 8am – midnight daily).

Contact your GP over the phone if you are particularly concerned about your symptoms, or for pregnant women, children under one year old and those with serious underlying health conditions.

Hand and respiratory hygiene is vitally important in preventing the spread of the illness.

Always use a tissue to catch your sneezes, throw away used tissues where germs can linger and regularly wash your hands.


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