

link 30.04.2009 6:01 
Subject: early morning and the grey matter is still not working... help!
Good morning!

I am having some trouble working my way through this bit of the Russian:
В международной практике к таким обстоятельствам зачастую относят нарушение участником (акционером) компании каких-либо обязательств предусмотренных "соглашением акционеров", начало процедуры банкротства/ликвидации участника и иные обстоятельства

Not sure why, but it's not coming together.

International practice treats such circumstances as a violation by a Company participant (stakeholder) of the obligations set ouit in the shareholders agreement, the beginning of bankruptcy/luquidation procedures of a participant and other circumstances.

Is the Russian weird or am I not understanding properly what it says?

 Alex Nord

link 30.04.2009 6:05 
название "таких обстоятельств" должно быть дано выше по тексту.
а в этом параграфе приведены примеры "таких обстоятельств"


link 30.04.2009 6:11 
Alex Nord

The thing is they are referred to as таких обстоятельств in the paragraph as well and it seems to me that начало процедуры банкротства/ликвидации участника и иные обстоятельства are the actual circumstances, which would mean they should be set off with a dash and not a comma in English, but as I am not sure, I can't figure out what to do with the darn thing.


link 30.04.2009 6:11 
In international practice such circumstances include a default by a Company member (shareholder) on any obligations set out in the shareholders’ agreement, procedure initiating bankruptcy/liquidation of a shareholder and any other circumstances.

 Alex Nord

link 30.04.2009 6:17 
in international practice such circumstances include but not limited to violation, ..., bankruptcy and other circumstances


link 30.04.2009 6:24 
violation is wrong here)))


link 30.04.2009 6:29 
ag! yes!


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