

link 8.04.2009 11:47 
Subject: Кто такой Judge Pointer ?
Уважаемые переводчики,
не могу понять, кто такой "Judge Pointer" и что такое "MDL 926" в следующем предложении:
The expert panels include the Independent Review Group (commissioned by the Chief Medical Officer of the U.K.), the National Science Panel (appointed by Judge Pointer for MDL 926), the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Scientific and Technical Options Assessment (STOA) Programme (commissioned by the European Parliament).
Помогите, плиз.

 Sjoe! moderator

link 8.04.2009 12:12 
"Judge Pointer" - Судья Пойнтер.
"MDL 926" - Multi-Distric Litigation 926.



link 8.04.2009 12:28 
Sjoe! Мерси!


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