

link 7.04.2009 9:21 
Subject: помогите с транскрибированием
Очень нужна помощь, может кто-то услышит непонятные мне слова.
Тематика - информационная безопасность.
Заранее спасибо.

So without being too tongue-in-cheek, what changed a lot is that there is more pressure than ever, while professionals seeking certifications they ask the question what value these actually provide, why should I actually get this, and some certifications are being called in question to answer the question what value do I actually get from *** paper certification.
At the same point, hiring managers are more than ever looking for certifications to be differentiated. *** the days when they would look at AMCSC or CNE or RCE and say *** certification. I don’t now if that ever actually occurred but *** than ever. But that being said, hiring managers are looking for certifications to provide that measure of distinction. There is one more change in the certification space, in particular IceSword has introduced *** certifications **** labor structure *** some folks wonna be aware of there has been a really strong push in ** certification framework where the CISM is just taking off *** one of the new hot certifications and we‘ve seen the changes well in the rest of certification space I would say outside the technical security room. The PMP is still I would say not as hot still warm still strong certification we see other technical skills coming along pretty strong and in fact for the first time we see *** certification coming to the forefront. So there has been quite a lot of other changes mostly matching the changes that you see out on the market place and what actual resources and questions being looked for by hiring managers.


link 7.04.2009 9:28 
В чем вопрос-то?


link 7.04.2009 9:34 
ссылка на файл звуковой, не могу разобрать слова, там где звездочки...


link 7.04.2009 10:15 
So without being too tongue-in-cheek, what changed a lot is that there is more pressure than ever, by professionals seeking certifications they ask the questions what value does this actually provide, why should I actually get this, and some certifications are being called into question to answer the question what value do I actually get from this and this is actually viewed as being a paper certification.
At the same point, hiring managers are more than ever looking for certifications to be differentiator. Gone are the days when they would look at a MCSE or (C)CNE or RHCE and say sight unseen when I have a candidat (who) has not this certification. I don’t now if that ever actually occurred but certainly that is less true than ever.

В передпоследнем месте я не уверен, хотя смысл по-видимому такой. Вобще это живая разговорная речь -- он начинает одну мысль, налету переключается на другую, потом решает вернуться к первой, а завершает фразу еще третьей (если и переувеличено, то немного:). Мы все так говорим и это выглядит совершенно нормально, до тех пор, пока это не нужно записывать ;-)


link 7.04.2009 10:51 
sascha, спасибо еще раз


link 7.04.2009 10:54 
Вот еще что разобрал

But that being said, hiring managers are looking for certifications to provide that measure of distinction. There is one more change in the certification space, in particular (ISC)² (ISC-Squared) has introduced a few new certifications **** labor structure *** some folks may not be aware of, there has been a really strong push in the ISACA certification framework where the CISM is just taking off with leaps and bounds in this one of the new hot certifications and overseeing the changes well in the rest of certification space I would say outside the technical security room. The PMP is still I would say not as hot still warm still strong certification we see other technical skills coming along pretty strong and in fact for the first time we are seeing a storage certification coming to the forefront. So there has been quite a lot of other changes mostly matching the changes that you see out on the market place and what actual resources and questions being looked for by hiring managers.


link 7.04.2009 11:25 
Спасибо, как вам удается его услышать?


link 7.04.2009 14:44 
Слушаешь, слушаешь, да и слышишь. С аббревиатурами и названиями помогает погуглить предоположения -- ведь это реальные сертификации, т.е. о них должно быть более или менее полно материалов в сети. Но вот в этом кусочке

*** has changed **** structure which some folks may not be aware of

в нем начало так и осталось непонятным, может кто еще послушает?


link 7.04.2009 14:48 
я вобще незнаю чтобы я делала, скажем будучи переводчиком лет 20 назад, т.к. без гугла не представляю как переводить...
мне кажется там название какое-то...вот только никак не могу найти ничего похожего


link 7.04.2009 14:53 
FANCE? FENS? (понятия не имею, что это, так слышится) has changed a lot of their strurcture which...


link 7.04.2009 14:55 
еще outside the technical security realm мне слышится, а не room


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