

link 29.04.2005 15:31 
Subject: Help
на грани фола?
on the edge? Еще варианты есть?


link 29.04.2005 15:42 
Я люблю слово barely..
Скажем, barely acceptable/allowable by rules..


link 29.04.2005 15:43 
Multitran says that 'fol/a' means 'foul'. If this is indeed correct, then perhaps the following (although, as always, difficult without context):

Almost in violation of the rules (of play)
On the verge of committing a foul
On the verge of foul (play)

Context REALLY would help!


link 29.04.2005 15:44 

Practically/almost crossing the line ?

 Translucid Mushroom

link 29.04.2005 15:47 
kath, this expression isnt bound to billiard or some other game, it just means smth like on the verge of failure or flunk, if it's possible to say so


link 29.04.2005 15:52 
So then is it a calque of 'fall' rather than 'foul'? I asked my mother, who is Russian, she couldn't help me. Is this a new expression?

 Translucid Mushroom

link 29.04.2005 15:55 
nah, it's world-old..


link 29.04.2005 16:07 
you see, some games do have rules. Shall you violate them, it's called a "foul play"..
So "playing on the edge of the foul" ~ "на грани фола". The same sentence, however, applies to other kinds of activity, including the ones that may be considered criminal..


link 29.04.2005 16:12 
I think the word came into Russian from sports, like basketball (foul = a rule violation)


link 29.04.2005 16:13 
So then it's closer to something like: walking a fine line/playing on the edge? could you take it further and say: playing with fire?


link 29.04.2005 16:18 
I don't think so.
In this case, you got punished by the fire itself, not by the rule/law enforcing authority ;-)


link 29.04.2005 16:24 
But 'playing with fire' is a metaphor that means to come dangerously close to something that will have great negative reprocussions. It could be from law enforcement agency or, say, organized crime figures (who have their own set of rules). But I think I understand what you mean. I would love to see it in more context, just to get usage ideas. Anyway, thanks.


link 29.04.2005 16:34 
quest - вопрос зело бессмысленный, если нет контекста.
Выражение это русское - настолько полисемично, что может переводиться, в зависимости от ситуации, и как
delicate balancing act, и как
walking a fine line, и даже как
beyond the pale


link 7.09.2009 17:26 
не подскажите в астрономии как можно перевести "delicate balancing act"?


link 7.09.2009 17:31 
это где у вас такое? и почему не сделать отдельную тему?


link 7.09.2009 17:43 


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