

link 14.04.2005 7:02 
Subject: Согласование времен
Помогите, пожалуйста, с согласованием времен во второй фразе. Перевод с русского на английский.
The local nongovernmental organizations religious ones above all carry a great authority in the region. A joint project wasn’t realized in the 90-ies, having run across the resistance of those organizations. В регионе очень сильны позиции местных неправительственных, в первую очередь, религиозных организаций. В 90-х совместный проект не был реализован, натолкнувшись на сопротивление данных организаций.


link 14.04.2005 7:18 
The local non-governmental organizations ESPECIALLY religious ones carry a great authority in the region. A joint project was NOT IMPLEMENTED in the 90-ies, BECAUSE OF the resistance of those organizations.
Более логично - A joint project MET the resistance of those organizations, AND THEREFORE was NOT IMPLEMENTED in the 90-ies


link 14.04.2005 8:02 
Мне кажется красивее будет: A joint project was not implemented in the 90-ies, having met the resistance of those organizations.


link 14.04.2005 8:49 
Here are my 2 cents:

Local non-governmental organizations, especially religious ones, are very influential in the region. In the 90's, a joint project failed because of the resistance from these organizations.

* Note that if there is a finite list of those organizations in sentence 1, then you should use the "THE" article before "local" and "religious." However, if you are talking in general about non-gov and religious organizations, I would skip the article.


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