

link 9.05.2008 15:52 
Subject: севрская керамика
Подскажите наиболее оптималльный перевод следующего:
"design reform" в контексте
Stickley was making American readers aware of larger issues in the design reform movement by printing in The Craftsman English translations of articles.

"design drawings" в контексте
This initial article in The Craftsman did not reproduce design drawings.

А также предложения:
Sandier who advocated experimentation during his 20-year period as Director of Works of Art – an era marked by new forms, colors and technical achievements – “must be given considerable credit for bringing Sevres into the art nouveau movement”.
Stickley hoped that potential purchasers might obtain pieces fro Sevres to go with the furniture and interiors that he was promoting in the United States.

И еще "how new pieces were commissioned" в контексте:
A history of the firm from the 18th century on ward, it discussed the way that the firm worked with industrialists, how new pieces were commissioned, and the techniques for producing them, thus providing a valuable background for American readers unfamiliar with Sevres.

Сорри, что прошу все скопом, но сдавать статью нужно, а мозг в праздники тупит.


link 11.05.2008 11:17 
Знаменитый севрский фарфор не надо звать "керамикой"


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