

link 24.04.2008 13:02 
Subject: Sam kind of lost it.
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Слово встречается в следующем контексте:

But Sam knew better. He'd gone knocking on Alyssa's hotel room door about six months ago. And, yeah, it was a stupid-ass thing to do. He and Mary Lou hadn't even separated back then. He had no business knocking on anyone's door.
But an FBI agent matching Alyssa's description—a woman of color, in her late twenties—had been killed that day, and until the news came down that Alyssa wasn't on the casualty list, Sam kind of lost it.
Except who had opened that hotel room door that he'd knocked on? Well, gee, hiya, Max. Sorry I woke you, man.
And that was it. Game over. It was looking into Max's eyes that did it. The fucker cared deeply about Alyssa—that was more than clear.
And every day since then, Sam tried—he really honestly tried—to be happy for her.
And as for his own elusive happiness . . .

Заранее спасибо


link 24.04.2008 13:09 
Сэм, в каком-то смысле потерял контроль над собой.


link 24.04.2008 13:10 
и пока не стало известно, что Алиса не значилась в списке убитых и раненых, Сэм был сам не свой (у Сэма как крышу снесло)


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