

link 27.02.2008 14:35 
Subject: trout pout
Помогите перевести сочетание. Спасибо


link 27.02.2008 14:41 
губы после закачки силикона


link 27.02.2008 14:46 
Именно так. Если дословно, то это когда губы надувают силиконом (или чем-то из коровьих продуктов) так, что они становятся похожими на рыбьи (как у форели).


link 27.02.2008 14:54 
With adverts featuring models (of the female rather than phone variety) and captions such as:

“I get paid to pout But I never though I’d get paid to chat”

Virgin seem to be suggesting that their new offer gives you money back on calls you make, which sounds like a fabulous deal!

However on looking closer at the details of Virgin’s PAYG offers we found out that they are actually offering Bonus Minutes, upgrade discounts and refer a friend bonuses.

The Bonus Minutes offers PAYG customers free minutes, after you have made the first 5 minutes worth of calls in a day (payable and not from any inclusive bundles) you will receive 5 free minutes of calls. The free minutes do not rollover and must be used on the same day as they were earned. This will work out quite well if you regularly make short calls – as it will mean your first 10 minutes of calls in a day will cost you just 7.5ppm.

The upgrade offer gives you £10 off the cost of a new phone for every £100 you have spent on credit or bundles (although it does not say over what time period).

Virgin’s refer a friend gives you £10 credit each time a friend you refer connects to Virgin (up to £80 in total).



link 27.02.2008 15:09 
У меня предложение попроще, просто посмотрите, мож згодиться:


link 5.03.2008 13:07 
Спасибо еще раз!


link 17.03.2008 21:15 
только что по ящику это назвали "губы как у карпа"


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