

link 23.10.2007 11:02 
Subject: Помогите плиз разобраться с типом конструкции
1. The taxi could be seen waiting outside. (Participle I Active)
2. Mary was heard playing the piano. (Participle I Active)
3. She had the sitting room redecorated.
4. We found him sitting as his desk. (Participle I Active)
5. He left us waiting for the results of the test.
6. These happy events occurred without his having been officially informed. (Participle II Passive)

Помогите плиз разобраться - где причастия - где герундий - нужно указать тип конструкции. Слова в скобках- мой вариант.


link 23.10.2007 11:49 


link 23.10.2007 12:09 


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