

link 22.10.2007 10:20 
Subject: Просмотрите, пожалуйста, cover letter, на наличие грубых ошибок... заранее ОГРОМНОЕ спасибо!
Dear Kristina:
I have been informed of a job opportunity as Native Russian Speaking Teacher in H. I am a very interested in such a position because I am a philologist and a teacher of Russian language on speciality. I have an experience of teaching in the private school, the college of additional education and the average school.
Мy young man and me have recently successfully received a higher education in Moscow and we are going to move in H for work on speciality.
I am currently employed as office manager in Moscow so I am familiar with business lexicon and principles. I believe my background and experience will allow me to teach Business Russian efficiently and be an asset to your company in a very short time.
I look forward to further discuss this job opportunity and how I can contribute to the success of E.
Irina B

И еще отрывок из резюме:
I have good experience in teaching and training. I developed such skills as ability to find contact with people already at the initial meeting. I can awake interest of coming people in dealing with our organization. I like to teach, therefore I succeeded as a teacher. I can make teaching process and subject interesting. After my lessons learners begin to understand subject on a deeper level.

Еще раз спасибо!!!


link 22.10.2007 10:53 
какой у вас уровень английского указан в резюме ? - серьезно, от этого и зависит содержание вашего письма.


link 22.10.2007 11:01 
Особенно выдающиеся ляпы:
Мy young man and me (my boyfriend and I)
I can awake interest of coming people (предлагаю так: I can awake interest of people who have come, а это очень непросто, уверяю вас...)


link 22.10.2007 11:07 
I am a very interested - I am interested .... very much
average school - скорее всего secondary comprehensive school все-таки

не говоря уже об недостающих артиклях кое-где


link 22.10.2007 11:08 
важен уровень - если - basic - то, нужно серьезно корректировать!


link 22.10.2007 11:19 
да, у нее basic написано... какие предложения еще посоветуете переписать? и где ошибки с артиклями?


link 22.10.2007 11:55 
I have an experience of - I am experienced in
teacher of Russian language on speciality - and my speciality is Russian Linguistics.
we are going to move in H for work on speciality - we plan to move to H and work there by background.

I am currently employed as office manager in Moscow so I am familiar with business lexicon and principles - I am an Office Manager at the Moscow company. Therefore I know bunsiness language well and business theory.

I believe my background and experience will allow me to teach Business Russian efficiently and be an asset to your company in a very short time.
I look forward to further discuss this job opportunity and how I can contribute to the success of E. - My background and experience make me capable of teaching Business Russian and ... ?? - Достоянием компании?? ... I would be pleased to discuss the job opportunity in detail and define all possible ways to contribute to your company success.


link 22.10.2007 12:15 
спасибо большое, очень помогли!!!
My young man = My boyfriend

 Hans Linger

link 22.10.2007 12:24 
and my speciality is Russian Linguistics - не прокатит, только major, из того что еще нашел ни в коем случае не office manager- просто не поймут, нужно писать administrative assistant


link 22.10.2007 12:31 
ух ты :-)) а что такое "the average school"?


link 22.10.2007 12:32 
office manager - поймут - сами так называют
- только major - почему?


link 22.10.2007 12:36 
I have been informed of a job opportunity as Native Russian Speaking Teacher at H. I am very interested in such a position because I am a philologist and a teacher of Russian language. I tought at a private school, a college and a secondary [public] school.
Recently, my boyfriend and I have graduated from a university in Moscow, and we are going to move to H in order to get jobs.
I am currently employed as an office manager in Moscow and I am familiar with business vocabulary and principles. I believe my background and experience will allow me to teach Business Russian efficiently [???and become an asset for your company very shortly?????].
I look forward to further discussing this job opportunity and the ways that I can contribute to the success of E.


link 22.10.2007 12:36 
отрывок из резюме весь надо менять. особенно шедевр (аскер прости) -
After my lessons learners begin to understand subject on a deeper level.

 Alexis a.k.a. Althea

link 22.10.2007 12:42 
Dear Ms. X (не просто по имени, но по фамилии)
Further to your advertisement for a vacancy of a Native Russian Speaking Teacher in H., please find attached my CV//resume.

I am very interested in the posision, as I hold a degree in Russian from a Moscow [название института полностью приведите, пожалуйста] and I am a fully qualified teacher of Russian. My teaching experience includes a private school, a college of further education and a secondary/state/public/independent school.

My present employment enabled me to familiarise myself with the business principles, code, and ethics, as well as to acquire an extensive business vocabulary.

I believe my background and experience make me an efficient teacher of Russian for Business course and I can become a great asset to your company.

Thank you for your consideration. Should you find my CV of interest, please do not hesitate to contact me at the time of your convenience for any further discussions.

Yours sincerely

I have a solid experience in teaching and training courses. I communicate with people easily and quickly estabish rapport with my students. I like to teach and consider my teaching career of utmost importance. My goal is to make students interested in the subject and to develop their better understanding of the subject through application of modern teaching methods and techniques.

Or smth like that. :-)


link 22.10.2007 13:08 
Да, так звучит намного лучше, спасибо! А может быть тогда и резюме посмотрите заодно?

Curriculum Vitae

Irina V. Beglova
Novaya 24/62, xxx

To obtain a position of the Teacher of Business Russian.

TECHOSNASTKA April 2007 - Present
Proprietary business in plastic products from polymeric material.
Office-manager (full-time)
 dialogue with clients, information service
 organization of corporate records
 preparation, registration and management of documents
 personal assistant of the Director
 working with office equipment and a mini telephone exchange
Major achievements:
 quickly entered into business features of the company and had started to perform all functions of an office-manager
 have successfully joined the collective of the company and have adjusted friendly attitudes with the heads and the colleagues
PHYSTECH COLLEGE January 2006 - Present
Additional education in different subjects.
Teacher of Russian, (part-time)
 teaching Russian and preparing learners for the university
 advertising and other work with learners by phone
Major achievements:
 have reached results in teaching learners, their progress in Russian language has raised
 successfully agitated potential clients to study in the college
INTEGRATSIYA ХХI September 2005 – March 2006
International average school (private).
Curator assistant (part-time)
 working with children (6 grade) in the afternoon
 organization of leisure-time activities of children
 planning timetable
 distribution children on special courses
 working with parents
 filling electronic diaries
 working with office equipment
 organization of additional classes and excursions
Major achievements:
 got experience in up-to-date systems of teaching in the elite private school

ISKRA July 2005 – August 2005, July 2006 – August 2006
Child's summer healthy camp.
 organization of full day activities for children
 preparation of creative actions
Major achievements:
 worked with children of different age: from 6 till 13 years old
 interested children in various creative actions and games

Moscow State Regional University September 2002 – June 2007
Departure of Russian Philology
Speciality: Philologist, teacher of Russian language and Russian literature
 GPA 5.0 out of 5.0
 3 months practice in average school
 PC operator. Gymnasium no.1, Zheleznodorozhny, 2000 – 2002.
 Bases of literary reduction. Institute of the Open Education, MSRU, 2003-2005.
 Microsoft Windows
 MS Office: Word, Excel, Access, Power Point
 Corel Draw
 Internet & Email
 Russian: native
 English: basic
Interests and pastimes:
Traveling, making acquaintance, communication.
Major achievements in career:
I have good experience in teaching and training. I developed such skills as ability to find contact with people already at the initial meeting. I can awake interest of coming people in dealing with our organization. I like to teach, therefore I succeeded as a teacher. I can make teaching process and subject interesting. After my lessons learners begin to understand subject on a deeper level.
Personal details:
 sociable
 responsible
 have an active living position
 have literate speach and clear delivery
 very efficient
 able to learn quickly

 Alexis a.k.a. Althea

link 22.10.2007 13:18 
Блюдечко с голубой каемочкой? ... В виде промта? average school indeed. Departure of Russian Filology - еще как.

Чем народ здесь развлекать, посмотрели бы в необъятном гугле примеры нормальных англоязычных резюме по Вашей специальности или по специальности английский язык как иностранный, например ... Русский язык Вы как иностранный собираетесь преподавать? Ну-ну.

 Hans Linger

link 22.10.2007 13:23 
have an active living position - ух ты)))


link 22.10.2007 13:24 
Это просто какой-то пятничный ОФФ. Даром что в понедельник и с просьбой о помощи! :)))))


link 22.10.2007 13:36 
Да чего вы так взъелись-то, я же не себе резюме готовлю... а резюме изучал преподавателей. Спасибо всем за советы. Извините, что отнял время...


link 22.10.2007 17:57 
Dear Kristina:

For your advertised position of Native Russian Speaking Teacher, I can offer ____ years of experience teaching in a private school and in college. I earned my teaching degree from ____________ in Moscow.

My current job as an office manager has given me valuable experience in business administration and helped me polish my business-specific vocabulary in both Russian and English.

I believe that my education and hands-on experience will be a substantial asset to your school.

Please call me at (495) 123-4567 to discuss how I could better put my education, experience, and skills to work for your school.


* Some additional points:
- I would not write anything about your boyfriend. He is not the one applying for the job, and it is none of your employer's business whether you are moving with him or by yourself. Contrary to resume advice given in some books, employers are absolutely not interested in your social status or hobbies. If they are, they would ask about your hobbies in an interview. They are not allowed to ask you about your social status (at least not in the U.S.).

- The purpose of a cover letter is not to give all information about you thus eliminating the interview. Its purpose is to wet the employer's appetite and make him or her want to talk to your in person (interview). So, every sentence in your cover letter needs to focus on your quantifiable experience, not that much on your interests or desires, or plans for the future.

- I gave a sample letter above. It is by no means perfect, but I hope it is a good start. It also illustrates the two points I am making above.

If you have questions, feel free to write me at mjs801@gmail.com. I can send you some resume and cover letter samples, if you are interested.


link 23.10.2007 5:48 
teacher of Russian language on speciality - and my speciality is Russian Linguistics.

это две разные специальности: 1) преподаватель (учитель) русского языка и 2) лингвистика


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