

link 4.06.2007 14:13 
Subject: first look deal law
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first look deal
Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:
Rocket Pictures has a first-look deal with Disney and a slate that includes Elton John Musical which is currently being written by...

В Wikipedia толкование такое (более нигде не нашел):
A first look deal is an arrangement, usually in the film industry, where either a company or in some cases an individual enters into a commercial agreement with a studio under which they must allow the studio the first right of first refusal in relation to developing and/or producing a project the individual or company is promoting. If the studio declines to take up the project, then the project can be "shopped" around to other potentially interested parties.

соглашение о праве первого отказа?

есть ли устоявшийся термин среди юристов-киношников?

Заранее спасибо


link 4.06.2007 14:16 
I think you should look at "prima facie" (americans decided to translate it from Latin)


link 4.06.2007 14:17 
disregard my prev message. it was completely wrong. sorry.


link 4.06.2007 14:22 
Подозреваю, что речь идет о праве первого выбора


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