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pray [preɪ] vstresses
gen. молиться; умолять; просить; попросить; молить (for); сотворить молитву; творить молитву (Супру); вопрошать (Raz_Sv); пожалуйста; желать (всем сердцем plushkina); требовать
cleric. поминать (for); поминаться (for); помолебствовать; помянуть (for)
Gruzovik, relig. помолебствовать
inf. скажите на милость!; я вас умоляю! (Don't appear so scholarly, pray. Humanize your talk, and speak to be understood. (Moliere) Aiduza)
law настоятельно просить
obs. молитвить (for); молитвовать (for)
old.fash. прошу ("Pray continue," said Holmes. "Your narrative promises to be a most interesting one." • "Your experience has been a most entertaining one," remarked Holmes as his client paused and refreshed his memory with a huge pinch of snuff. "Pray continue your very interesting statement." 4uzhoj); прошу вас ("Pray continue," said Holmes. "Your narrative promises to be a most interesting one." • "Your experience has been a most entertaining one," remarked Holmes as his client paused and refreshed his memory with a huge pinch of snuff. "Pray continue your very interesting statement." 4uzhoj)
product. намаз (Yeldar Azanbayev); читать намаз (Yeldar Azanbayev)
relig. молить
pray for v
Gruzovik помолиться (pf of молиться)
Gruzovik, obs. молитвословить (= молитвить); молитвовать (= молитвить); молитвить
Gruzovik, relig. молиться (impf of помолиться); помянуть (the dead or the recovery of the sick)
pray for a certain time v
Gruzovik промаливаться; промолиться
pray for the dead or the recovery of the sick v
Gruzovik, relig. поминать (impf of помянуть)
pray! v
gen. прошу!
pray judgement for v
USA просить (прошу / the Plaintiff hereby prays that: The Plaintiff therefore prays judgement for the partition of said premises all according to the respective rights of the parties interested therein. • The Plaintiff hereby prays that the Defendants be permanently enjoined from [...] fddhhdot)
 English thesaurus
PRAY [preɪ] abbr.
abbr., relig. Praise Repent Ask Yield; Programs For Religious Awards For Youth; Programs of Religious Activities for Youth
prayed to the gods: 1 phrase in 1 subject