

link 21.02.2017 16:23 
Subject: VAT compliance expenses gen.
Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести: VAT compliance expenses will be significantly reduced by the reforms, saving EU businesses 2.3bn a year.


link 21.02.2017 16:28 
A compliance cost is expenditure of time or money in conforming with government requirements such as legislation or regulation. For example, people or organizations registered for value added tax have the extra burden of having to keep detailed records of all input tax and output tax to facilitate the completion of VAT returns. This may necessitate them having to employ someone skilled in this field, which would be regarded a compliance cost.

Compliance costs normally include all costs associated with obeying the law, including planning and administration, in addition to the direct time and money spent filing paperwork.


link 21.02.2017 16:30 
... расходы, связанные с выполнением требований законодательства, регулирующего НДС/НСО ...


link 21.02.2017 17:34 


link 21.02.2017 19:00 
Я бы сформулировал чуть иначе:
VAT compliance expenses = расходы на ведение отчетности по НДС.


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