

link 27.09.2012 8:33 
Subject: Лихие девяностые gen.
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как считаете, dashing 90's приемлемо??

Спасибо заранее)

 Лу Рид

link 27.09.2012 8:36 
mussy 90ies


link 27.09.2012 8:37 
Где-то встречалось roarin' 90's (hard)


link 27.09.2012 8:38 
Mussy тут не подходит, я думаю.

 Supa Traslata

link 27.09.2012 8:48 
Wild Nineties. Гуглится (в том числе и) на нативных сайтах.


link 27.09.2012 9:04 
wild! thanx


link 27.09.2012 9:17 
the stormy `90s
the turbulent '90s
unruly 1990s
Эта тема уже неоднократно обсуждалась здесь http://forum.lingvo.ru/actualthread.aspx?tid=108637


link 27.09.2012 9:19 
По словарю Ефремова
прил. (разг.)
Удалой, молодецкий.
Быстрый, стремительный.
Резвый, быстрый, горячий (о лошадях).
Залихватский, бойкий, задорный.


link 27.09.2012 9:21 
очередная иллюстрация, что и словарём надо уметь пользоваться


link 27.09.2012 9:26 
от Берди:
The Wild and Evil ’90s
19 March 2010
By Michele A. Berdy
Лихо: wildly, jauntily, recklessly, slickly, evilly, rakishly, dashingly, with great difficulty, with great aplomb; also the one-eyed personification of evil and bad luck

If the first 10 years of this century are called унылые нулевые (the gloomy oughts), what are the last 10 years of the last century called? They are лихие девяностые. And лихой means … ? Wait. I need to pop an aspirin and take my Prozac. Ah, that’s better. Now I can start to deal with perhaps my least-favorite Russian word.

Actually, лихо and лихой are fascinating words. The problem is that they have about five different meanings and can be either extremely negative or extremely positive, depending on the context and speaker. The original meaning of the word was something like “immoderate.” In old Russian, the word meant evil, bad, unfortunate. As a noun, Лихо is одноглазое (one-eyed), the personification of evil and ill fortune. It’s this лихо in the wise saying: не буди лихо пока оно тихо (don’t look for trouble; literally, “Don’t wake Evil while it’s quiet”). Лихое дело is bad business; лихая година means hard times; лихой разбойник is a wild and murderous outlaw. Не поминайте меня лихом is what you say when you’ve been naughty: Don’t think ill of me. And лихо is lower-case evil in another expression: узнать, почём фунт лиха (to fall on hard times; literally, “to find out how much a pound of misfortune costs”).

The second meaning is as an intensifier for something bad: лихой недуг (a serious illness); лихой мороз (bitter cold). It’s this sense in another common expression: лиха беда начало (the first step is the hardest; literally, “the beginning is a sore trouble”).

And then we jump to the third meaning: a person or action that is daring, deft, jaunty, cocky or high-spirited. Sometimes this is good. Он лихо отплясывал чарльстон (He danced a spirited Charleston). In 19th-century literature, лихой малый might be a dashing lad. In today’s New York, you’d probably say admiringly: Man, that guy’s got balls. When someone has pulled something off, you can say: Лихо! (Slick!) This could mean either “well done” or the more ambiguous “you sneaky little bastard.”

Also good is лихой наездник (a dashing rider). The adverb лихо can be used to describe skillful driving with an overlay of showing off: Вдруг из-за угла вылетела тройка и лихо остановилась перед воротами (Suddenly, a troika flew around the corner and nimbly came to a halt in front of the gates).

This sense of being overdone and show-offy is present when the word лихо is used with other things: лихо закрученные усы (dashing curled moustaches); лихо закрученный сюжет (a wildly twisting plot); лихо заломить шапку (to cock one’s hat at a jaunty angle).

But in other cases, youthful derring-do turns into reckless and dangerous acts. Водитель лихо вёл наш автобус по дороге, петляющей между холмами (The driver careened our bus on the switchbacks in the hills.) Лихач is a reckless driver, and лихачить is the verb that describes his mad dashes between lanes, over curbs and through yellow lights.

So back to the 1990s. The phrase лихие девяностые was apparently first used in a 2001 novel by Andrei Konstantinov called Выдумщик (The Liar) and was then the title of a documentary television series in 2007. Is лихие here dashing, skillful, reckless, evil, lawless, cocky, jaunty or high-spirited? As far as I can tell, the phrase is used to suggest hard times: lawless, out-of-control and wild.

Pass the Prozac, please.


link 27.09.2012 9:42 
violent and unbridled nineties

 Oscar Milde

link 27.09.2012 16:32 
Предлагаю идеальный вариант перевода сабжа на английский.. Готов поделиться им с аскером и всем англоязычным человечеством (включая Берди) за 30 долларов США.

Перевод, подчёркиваю, идеальный – лучше уже не скажешь..


link 27.09.2012 16:54 
"...we have a reversion to the ugly 1990s..." (с)


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