

link 25.02.2011 8:29 
Subject: OFF: а нельзя ли подешевше?
You must give us a discount…
1. …because we are a new client.
2. …because we are an old client.
3. …because this job is for a new client.
4. …because this job is for an old client.
5. …because last time you gave us a discount.
6. …because last time you didn't give us a discount.
7. …because you always give us a discount.
8. …because you never give us a discount.
9. …because the other guy who translated for us always gave us a discount.
10. …because everybody else gives us a discount.
11. …because if you want to work for us you must give us a discount.
12. …because if you don't give us a discount we will have to look for another translator.
13. …because you will make up for the discount in future jobs.
14. …because it is a big job, months of guaranteed work.
15. …because it is a small job and you will make a quick buck.
16. …because you can squeeze it into whatever you are doing now and do it in a moment-and it will be extra money you were not even counting on.
17. …because it is a simple job of a type you have done dozens of times.
18. …because it is something short you can do over the weekend.
19. …because it is an easy text.
20. …because it is a subject you are very familiar with.
21. …because it is a subject you are not very familiar with and your "expert rate" will not apply.
22. …because it is a subject you are not familiar with and thus a great opportunity for you to enter a new field that will bring you a lot of work in the future.
23. …because it is just like something you did two years ago.
24. …because we are going to send you several hundred pages' worth of reference files where you can find all the terminology you will ever need.
25. …because we are going to send you glossary you can search for words you don't know.
26. …because we are going to send you a TM you can search for words you don't know.
27. …because you will use our proprietary CAT tool which you will simply love.
28. …because it is a very interesting text.
29. …because you've never done something like this.
30. …because it is a non-technical text. Just plain yadayada.
31. …because it is a technical text. No need to worry about style or yadayada.
32. …because it is just for information. No need to worry about style or yadayada.
33. …because we just want a summary, the gist of it. You do not even have to translate it all: just summarize what is important.
34. …because it is already in PowerPoint format, you just have to overwrite the source text.
35. …because it is already in Excel format, you just have to overwrite the source text.
36. …because it is already in .pdf format, you just have to overwrite the source text.
37. …because it has already been translated by our people here and you just have to give it a look to see whether something escaped them.
38. …because a good part of it has already been translated and you only have to fill in the gaps and have a look at what the other people have done, to see whether something escaped them.
39. …because my secretary could do it herself, but she is too busy to handle it now.
40. …because my sister could do it herself, but she is too busy to handle it now.
41. …because I could do it myself, but am just too busy too busy to handle it now.
42. …because we have already had this translated, the translation was horrible and we had to junk it, but we had to pay the translator all the same and now we are out of funds for this project.
43. …because we will send you a copy of the translation we had to junk, so that you can see what can be saved.
44. …because this is a job for a client and they already know someone who charges less than you but we want you to do the job because we trust your work.
45. …because this is a job for a client and one of our guys has already given the client an estimate and now we cannot tell the client it is more than we had said.
46. …because this job will not be charged to a client, it is for our firm.
47. …because this is not for the Company. It is my CV, and I am leaving.
48. …because this is not for profit: it is just something I need for my doctoral thesis.
49. …because we want you to do the job, but there is a new policy here and we now have to assign jobs to the lowest bidder and our purchasing department has found a firm in Country X…
50. …because the exchange rate has moved against us.
51. …because the exchange rate has moved in your favor.
52. …because this is a low-priority, low-budget project.
53. …because we are on a tight budget for this job.
54. …because we already have two estimates for this job: a guy who wants ten and another who will do it for eight; we cannot even think of doing it for twelve.
55. …because we have already overrun our budget.
56. …because we are building a new wing for our corporate headquarters and that is costing us more than we expected and we have to preserve cash.
57. …because we already have an internal cost estimate for this job and it is a lot lower than that.
58. …because my boss thinks translation is very simple work and will never agree to pay that much.
59. …because if I tell my boss this is the price of a translation he will kill me.
60. …because the total price exceeds my approval authority and I will have to submit the quote to my boss-who will never approve it.
61. …because there is someone who will do it for less. Much less.
62. …because we are looking to a translator who will do this for a maximum of $100. Of course, for our next assignment in your pair…
63. …because we are located in Country X, where rates are much lower than in your country.
64. …because this was outsourced by an agency located in Country X, where rates are much lower than here and there is nothing we can do.
65. …because we know what rates are in your country.
66. …because it is a huge project, including 25 languages in all and we had to bid low.
67. …because it was a cutthroat bid, against people who debase the market and underpay their translators and we had no alternative.
68. …because it is for a new client and we had to bid low to win the guys from the guys who worked for them.
69. …because this is for an old client and we had to bid low or lose them to the competition.
70. …because this is for one of our oldest clients and we have not had the courage to increase our prices.
71. …because this job is for an old friend who always gets a special deal from us.
72. …because we are in a crisis.
73. …because this particular client is in a crisis.
74. …because we are still feeling the negative effects of the latest crisis.
75. …because this particular client is still feeling the negative effects of the latest crisis.
76. …because there is a crisis looming in the horizon.
77. …because there is a crisis looming in the horizon for this particular client.
78. …because, please, see what you can do for us.
79. …because… because… just because, man!



link 25.02.2011 8:39 
Все не успел прочитать (идти надо кое-куда), но вот это реально бесит "19. …because it is an easy text." И еще при том, когда никакой не изи текст )))))))
гы-гы, отлично! ))


link 25.02.2011 8:47 
С таким крутым must`ом хрен Вы у меня получили бы скидку! :=)


link 25.02.2011 8:52 
Настроение перед обедом улучшилось ;)))))

 Lonely Knight

link 25.02.2011 8:56 

 SirReal moderator

link 25.02.2011 8:59 
Неплохо бы указывать ссылку на источник


link 25.02.2011 9:11 
79. …because… because… just because, man!
Just A.W.E.S.O.M.E.
Reminded me of a client I once knew. =)))


link 25.02.2011 10:41 
(Грустно) улыбнуло:)
Пункты 39, 40,41 "цепляют" особо...


link 25.02.2011 10:59 
i really want to give you a discount, but i cannot charge below the quoted rate - the competitors would be after me if i do ... and those guys have guns! ... even worse - lawyers!! ;)


link 25.02.2011 11:07 
I would positively give you a discount if you ordered say, five.. no, better, ten times as much


link 25.02.2011 11:10 
I would positively give you a discount if you started bringing to me customers as follows: all your friends, business partners, lovers of both sexes...


link 25.02.2011 11:14 
...and if they, in turn, promised to do the same. Hey, dude, just imagine this geometric progression - stop, hey, where are you? I agree to give you a pretty fuckingsome percent...


link 25.02.2011 11:16 
//…because it is for a new client and we had to bid low to win the guys from the guys who worked for them.//
How many guys!

||…because this job is for an old friend who always gets a special deal from us.||

Is it really true?


link 25.02.2011 12:25 
а у меня буквально на днях был №54)))


link 25.02.2011 12:46 
Rascha, и как, дали Вы в итоге скидку? Или послали к тем, у кого дешевле?)))


link 25.02.2011 13:11 
остановились на 11)))

 SirReal moderator

link 25.02.2011 13:50 
Прогиб засчитан


link 25.02.2011 13:57 
Здорово написано :)!
17, 19, 22, 31, 79 -- каждый день, хотя я и не переводчик...


link 25.02.2011 17:21 
Бред несчастного (переводчика). Интересно, сколько раз он сказал "нет"? Это рынок, man!


link 25.02.2011 17:28 
Because the sky is blue, it makes me cry.
Because ... the sky ... is blue-у-у-у-у-у....... aaaaaaaahhhh. Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh


link 25.02.2011 18:18 
Скидку ни разу не просили...
А вот хамили - бывало. Причем так противненько, мол: "Ваши расценки? Сколько? А... Но вообще... Может мне профессию поменять и тоже в переводчики пойти?"


link 25.02.2011 18:34 
***в переводчики пойти*** ... тоже вариант ... пусть попробуют, а то в чужом кармане всегда х... толще кажется...)))


link 26.02.2011 22:59 
"А вот хамили - бывало. Причем так противненько, мол: "Ваши расценки? Сколько? А... Но вообще... Может мне профессию поменять и тоже в переводчики пойти?" "

Мне пару раз такое сказали, но без особой издевки - действительно задумались... Я сказала, что советую. Люди были как раз такие, которые в состоянии прилично переводить, просто занимаются другим.


link 27.02.2011 0:01 
Переводчик - это вообще не профессия. Так, "джентельмен в поисках десятки" (с). ИМХО.
Отработал 20 лет на этом порище и могу смело сказать: "А ну его к е... матери!" Со скидками и без оных.
Жалко потерянных лет ЖИЗНИ, проведенных в таких диспутах..


link 27.02.2011 0:03 
....поприще, оф корз, а то еще подумают ....


link 27.02.2011 0:25 
***Переводчик - это вообще не профессия*** ... ***оф корз***...
...ето искусство, блин ... и, между прочим, способ медитации ... когда перевод нормально идет, рабочий день пролетает в один миг ... сидишь себе в тепле, у компьютера, за чашечкой кофе ... деньги плотют ... а чё еще нада для щастья?... а время один хрен летит так, что только успевай моргать, где бы ты не работал ... а что, на стройке лучше ?.. или на буровой?...
...может бухгалтером интереснее?... сомневаюсь ... лично мне перевод нравится, как процесс .... ничуть не хуже других процессов ... если вдуматься ...
... ннну, еще геологи разные бывают, военные, моряки ... но это, блин, полный экстрим ... на мой взгляд лучше воще не рождаться, чем маршировать ....


link 27.02.2011 0:53 
... а впрочем, еще древние говорили: "Неважно что, важно - как"....


link 27.02.2011 0:55 
Да кто бы спорил! Тепло и уют в доме и не душе....Тюкаешь себе по клаве и не заморачиваешся проблемами вымирания уссурийских тигров. Да еще и денежку плотют...
Однако остаюсь при своем мнении. Даже медитация не помогает. Без понтов - "терзают смутные сомнения".


link 27.02.2011 6:25 
San-Sanych ... отставить псесимизм!... все познается в сравнении ... у Вас выбор есть? ... альтернативы имеются ?... нет? .... тогда нефиг терзаться ... надо расслабиться и получить максимум удовольствия ...
Как говорит один мой знакомый (автослесарь-частник, 75 лет), разница между жизнью и ху...ем заключается в том, что жизнь - жёстче ...)))


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