

link 9.01.2017 6:29 
Subject: prefect system gen.
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести. (Prefect system )Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:Primary,intermediate,and high school are based on a British model,with uniforms from the intermediate level on and a prefect system with a head boy responsible for discipline Заранее спасибо


link 9.01.2017 6:45 
См. с пометкой "школ.":


link 9.01.2017 22:56 
Prefects are older children in UK secondary schools who maintain discipline on behalf of teachers. Most are made prefects when they enter the Sixth Form (at age 16 or 17). The senior male and female prefects are known as the Head Boy and Head Girl respectively.

Prefects aren't restricted to привилегированные школы: most state secondary schools still have them.


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