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gen. shawarma (Women Posing With Shawarma Is Now a Thing in Russia themoscowtimes.com Пан); doner kebab (Alex Lilo); Lavash wrap (4uzhoj); lunch wrap (еда в лаваше, обед в лаваше: Non-meat dishes feature at each end of the culinary scale from Michelin-starred restaurants and celebrity chef recipes to supermarket lunch wraps and vegan sausage rolls at Greggs – Немясные блюда представлены в каждом кулинарном заведении: от ресторанов, отмеченных звёздами Мишлен, и рецептов знаменитых шеф-поваров – до вегетарианской шаурмы в супермаркете и веганских сосисок в тесте из Greggs Lily Snape)
uncom. a gyro sandwich (восточное мясное блюдо a sandwich made of meat grilled on a spit); gyro ("греческая шаурма", обычно наз. "гиро" или "гирос" – Gyro (/yee-roh/ or /zhir-oh/) is a loaf of meat, typically lamb, but sometimes beef, pork, or a mixture, prepared by roasting the loaf on a rotating vertical spit. A gyro is also a sandwich made from the meat and served in folded or rolled-up pita bread. The sandwich takes its name from the singular Greek noun gyros, meaning "a turning" (no doubt a reference to the spit that the meat is roasted on). The -s in gyros was erroneously taken to be plural, and the singular gyro was formed. wikipedia.org Alex Lilo)
шаурма: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Food service and catering2