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что и требовалось доказатьstresses
astr. q. e. d.
el. quod erat demonstrandum
lat. quod erat demonstrandum (Latin for "which was to be proved"); quod erat faccendum; quod erat inveniendum
math. as was to be proved; as was to be proved (MichaelBurov); which was to be proved; which was to be demonstrated (snusmumric); which is the required result; which is what we set out to prove; which proves the statement; which proves the theorem (The conclusion of Lemma follows directly.); quod erat demonstrandum (чтд ; ч.т.д.; QED; Q.E.D.; W.W.W.W.W.; WWWWW MichaelBurov); which was what we wanted (чтд; ч.т.д.; QED; Q.E.D.; W.W.W.W.W.; WWWWW MichaelBurov)
tech. this completes the proof
 Russian thesaurus
что и требуется доказать
gen. чтд (  MichaelBurov); ч.т.д. (  MichaelBurov)
что и требовалось доказать: 2 phrases in 2 subjects