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финансирование судебных расходовstresses
law legal financing (Legal financing (also known as litigation financing, professional funding, settlement funding, third party funding, legal funding, and, in England and Wales, litigation funding) is the mechanism or process through which litigants (and even law firms) can finance their litigation or other legal costs through a third party funding company. wikipedia.org 'More); third party funding (Third Party Funding is an arrangement where a financier funds your solicitor's fees (and all other disbursements) of a legal claim in exchange for either a share in the outcome or normal finance charges (i.e. interest). Third Party Funding enables claims to be brought without immediately paying legal costs. 'More); professional funding (aka legal financing, litigation finance, third party funding wikipedia.org 'More); legal funding (wikipedia.org 'More); settlement funding (wikipedia.org 'More); litigation financing (wikipedia.org 'More); litigation funding (in England and Wales 'More); third party litigation funding (TPLF wikipedia.org 'More)