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O&G level bridle (Bridle, also named stand pipe, is a vertical pipe connected to the process tank or vessel so that the level of process liquid within bridle is always equal to the level of process liquid within tank or vessel. Bridle is intended for installation of multiple level transmitter such as level gauge or level transmitter. These level instrumentation are installed to the bridle instead of the vessel or tank. – АД instrumentationportal.com Dzhem)
O&G, tengiz. stand pipe (Yeldar Azanbayev)
oil.proc. level piping (SEOrekhov)
product. bridle (Yeldar Azanbayev)
tech. water column (предназначены для измерения уровня воды методом переменного перепала давления в барабанах паровых котлов с дифманометрами-уровнемерамиб в отличие от простого водомерного стекла krynja)