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съемное грузозахватное приспособлениеstresses
construct. below-the-hook-lifting device (TVovk)
съёмные грузозахватные приспособления
eng. lifting accessories (The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations define ‘lifting accessories', as: "a component or equipment not attached to the lifting machinery, allowing the load to be held, which is placed between the machinery and the load or on the load itself, or which is intended to constitute an integral part of the load and which is independently placed on the market; slings and their components are also regarded as lifting accessories". org.uk Firiel)
O&G loose gear (loose gear includes only components that may be kept separate from the crane and may be hooked on to a crane's hook VPK)
shipb. below the hook lifting devices (MingNa)
съемные грузозахватные приспособления
O&G, casp. rigging equipment (Yeldar Azanbayev)
съёмное грузозахватное приспособление
tech. loose lifting gear (Rslan)