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судебный участокstresses
gen. judicial district (Федеральный закон от 17 декабря 1998 г. N188-ФЗ "О мировых судьях в Российской Федерации" MVE); judicial sub-district (Within the jurisdiction of each районный суд (district court) are numerous судебные участки. Where both terms appear in a text "judicial district" is ambiguous, as it could be understood to imply *all* судебные участки of that district court in aggregate, i.e. the court's entire territorial jurisdiction. Therefore where both районный суд and судебный участок are used I would suggest this translation. D Cassidy); magistracy (kee46); judicial sector (Nikavolnaya)
law Court Circuit (Lucym); magisterial district (мировых судей / magistrates. Magistracy – не совсем оно: По Black's Law Dictionary, "magistracy 1. The office, district, or power of a magistrate. 2. A body of magistrates." masizonenko)
судебный участок: 2 phrases in 1 subject