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IMF. immunity from judicial process
law immunity from suit; jurisdictional immunity; sovereign immunity (the prevention of lawsuits or prosecution against rulers or governments without their given consent. wiki Alexander Demidov); immunity from prosecution (Immunity from prosecution, immunity granted to a witness in exchange for testimony Immunity from prosecution (international law), exclusion of governments or their officials from prosecution under international law. wiki Alexander Demidov); judicial immunity (Judicial Immunity is a form of legal immunity which protects judges and others employed by the judiciary from lawsuits brought against them for official conduct in office, no matter how incompetent, negligent, or malicious such conduct might be, even if this conduct is in violation of statutes. wiki Alexander Demidov); legal immunity (Legal immunity is a type of legal protection which is offered to certain people in particular circumstances. The most well known example of legal immunity is probably prosecutorial immunity, which is sometimes offered to a witness in exchange for his or her testimony in a case. In many countries, judges are offered a form of legal immunity which is known as judicial immunity. Similar legal immunities are also sometimes offered to members of parliament or legislature. Diplomats and sovereigns also have a special type of legal immunity. wisegeek.com Alexander Demidov)
Makarov. immunity from legal process
notar. franchise
судебный иммунитет: 18 phrases in 6 subjects
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