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среднесписочная численность сотрудниковstresses
gen. full-equivalent employee number (среднесписочная численность сотрудников (смысл – полтора землекопа: если 2 человека работают по полдня, в ведомости они считаются как один, работающий полный день 4uzhoj); average staff employed (The following table gives details of the average staff employed by the Government railways of Australia during 1945-46 | Where Social Welfare funding is the only funding available to projects then the average staff employed by the project is 2 at an average total cost of ... | Baroness Royall of Blaisdon: The following table sets out the average staff employed by the Compensation Agency, in each year, since its ... Alexander Demidov)
law average staff number (Alexander Demidov)
O&G, sakh. staff on the payroll