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сам себе хозяинstresses
gen. be footloose and fancy free (обыкн. о холостяке); free agent; a law unto herself (Olga Fomicheva); be one's own boss (since I'm my own boss, my hours are flexible; I'm very much my own boss and no one interferes with what I do VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг one's own man; be one's own man
econ. self-proprietor (A.Rezvov)
idiom. law unto oneself (Olga Fomicheva)
inf. on one's own (q3mi4)
Makarov. be one's own master
сам себе хозяингосподин
gen. be one's own master (Сomandor)
сам себе хозяин: 15 phrases in 3 subjects
American usage, not spelling1