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рассмотрение дела в порядке упрощённого производстваstresses
law summary hearing (Alexander Demidov); summary proceedings (more hits: An alternative form of litigation for the prompt disposition of legal actions. Legal proceedings are regarded as summary when they are shorter and simpler than the ordinary steps in a suit. Summary proceedings are ordinarily available for cases that require prompt action and generally involve a small number of clearcut issues. West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS. When cases are to be adjudged promptly, without any unnecessary form, the proceedings are said to be summary. 2. In no case can the party be tried summarily unless when such proceedings are authorized by legislative authority, except perhaps in the cases of contempts, for the common law is a stranger to such a mode of trial. 4 Bl. Com. 280; 20 Vin. Ab. 42; Boscawen on Conv.; Paley on Convict.; vide Convictions. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856. Alexander Demidov)
рассмотрение дел в порядке упрощённого производства
law summary proceedings (When cases are to be adjudged promptly, without any unnecessary form, the proceedings are said to be summary. In no case can the party be tried summarily unless when such proceedings are authorized by legislative authority, except perhaps in the cases of contempts, for the common law is a stranger to such a mode of trial. Found on lectlaw.com Alexander Demidov)