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gen. idly (VLZ_58); off-the-cuff (rechnik); just because (Chu); just in case; just (в знач. "безнказанно": I can't let you just walk off. 4uzhoj); as usual; in the usual manner
humor. for the halibut (созвучно "for the hell of it" Technical)
idiom. for the thrill of it (She gambles for the thrill of it. anadyakov)
inf., amer. for shits and giggles (vogeler); for kicks and giggles (Alex_Odeychuk)
mean.1 for no reason in particular (Anglophile); just for fun (Anglophile); for no special reason (Anglophile); just for the devil of it (Anglophile); no reason (в ответ на вопрос почему вы что-либо делаете lexicographer); for no reason (Alexander Demidov); for the sake of it (без особой цели: I'm not just asking for the sake of it – я не просто так спрашиваю (=не ради того, чтобы спросить) Евгений Тамарченко); for no serious reason (4uzhoj); for no serious reason at all (You are simply trying to find reasons to get me banned for no serious reason at all! 4uzhoj); for no good reason (сравни: You don't say nothing unless there's a reason. 4uzhoj); for no particular reason (Anglophile)
mean.1, inf. for the heck of it (DevilInside); just for kicks (for no particular or important reason Ballistic); just for the hell of it; for the hell of it
mean.2 for nothing (в знач. "впустую": "But I have already told you I don't know!" "You think I came here for nothing?" 4uzhoj); out of thin air (в знач. "из ниоткуда": The term "wedding hangover" didn't appear out of thin air. 4uzhoj); for nothing (в знач. "задаром": You do not get anything for nothing. As they say in English, "Nothing for nothing, and very little for six-pence". 4uzhoj); just (в знач. "сам по себе, без причины, из ниоткуда": Order never just emerges. 4uzhoj)
mean.3 just for a thank you (не требуя ничего взамен: It's nice to see people doing something just for a "thank you" and not for money. Alexander Demidov); no strings attached (VLZ_58); as a gift (4uzhoj); with no strings attached (в контексте; without asking for anything in return 4uzhoj); as a compliment (от себя, в качестве подарка или доброго жеста 4uzhoj)
просто так: 152 phrases in 18 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
Figure of speech1
Mass media1
Meaning 11
Mineral processing1
Quotes and aphorisms4