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провал в памятиstresses
gen. mental lapse (driven); memory lapse (Telecaster); blank spot in one's memory (Those who are found aren't saying much, they can't explain what happened to them because they have blank spots in their memories. ART Vancouver); memory block (из анкеты: Do you sometimes have substantial memory blocks–periods of time or significant events that you can't remember? Sweeterbit)
Gruzovik memory blackout; failure of memory; spotty memory defect
inf. brain stall (joyand)
med. blocking; lost time (Adrax)
psychol. block
slang brain fade (кратковременный, напр., забыл куда положил ключи sad_bagel)
провалы в памяти
slang fuzzy (Franka_LV); graying out (у злоупотребляющих марихуаной plushkina)