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gen. standard medication (клиническое исследование. wiki Alexander Demidov)
clin.trial. comparator product (тж. comparator drug, comparator || Comparator (Product) – An investigational or marketed product (i.e. active control), or placebo, used as a reference in a clinical trial: «препарат сравнения» (comparator (product)) – исследуемый или зарегистрированный лекарственный препарат (активный контроль) либо плацебо, используемые для контроля в клиническом исследовании; eaeunion.org 'More)
med. comparator agent (bel_linguist); reference substance (ultramarine); comparator (medtran.ru Maxxicum); reference product (yo); Reference Therapy (jatros); reference drug (WiseSnake)
pharm. comparator drug (in clinical trials, a comparator drug (defined as 'an investigational or marketed product (i.e. active control_ or placebo used as a reference in a clinical trial') is often required. Comparator studies typically focus on efficacy relative to a drug that is already on the market, rather than a placebo. Andy); comparative drug (Andy)
med. referential preparation (MonkeyLis)
препарат сравнения: 19 phrases in 4 subjects
Clinical trial7
Pharmacy and pharmacology1