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передвижная бетономешалкаstresses
construct. mobile concrete mixer
mining. transit concrete mixer; truck transit mixer; truck transit mixer; concrete mixer wagon (Thieves broke into a secure compound and before making off with the concrete mixer wagon, they damaged a front end loading machine. thefreelibrary.com Aiduza); concrete mixing wagon (Thieves broke into a secure compound and before making off with the concrete mixer wagon, they damaged a front end loading machine. thefreelibrary.com Aiduza); concrete wagon (Thieves broke into a secure compound and before making off with the concrete mixer wagon, they damaged a front end loading machine. thefreelibrary.com Aiduza); wagon (Thieves broke into a secure compound and before making off with the concrete mixer wagon, they damaged a front end loading machine. thefreelibrary.com Aiduza)
railw. transit mixer
передвижная дорожная бетономешалка
mil., tech. paver
передвижная бетономешалка: 7 phrases in 3 subjects
Rail transport1