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gen. start on a tour; set forth on travels; set out on a journey (on a trip to London, upon a voyage, on an expedition, on an excursion, etc., и т.д.); go make a journey; go on a journey; set off (Например: Early Saturday morning we set off for the ski slopes. Acruxia); go for a trip; make a trip; set off on a journey; go out; set forth on one's travels; set forth on one's journey; start on a journey (on a trip, on a tour of the world, on a flight, etc., и т.д.); start off for a journey (for a ramble, etc., и т.д.)
Makarov. set forth on journey; set forth one's travels; set forth on a journey
obs. trip
отправляться в путешествие: 3 phrases in 2 subjects