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gen. shag back; hang off; be lackadaisical (alex); lallygag; procrastinate (от неприятного или тяжелого дела MariaDroujkova); shirk (she shirks her duties Рина Грант); slack off (in school AsIs); skip out on work (So she did all of that to skip out on work?; I skip out on work sometimes to be with you Taras); back away (driven); flinch back
Игорь Миг weasel out
austral. bludge (VLZ_58)
brit. skive off (от работы; to avoid doing your work by not going to the place where you should be working: Where's Martin? Is he skiving off again? Taras)
Gruzovik, inf. avoid (impf of отлынуть); skulk (impf of отлынуть); malinger (impf of отлынуть)
idiom. worm one's way out of sth (He wormed his way out of the work again! Bob_cat)
inf. malinger; slough off (He would not allow his students to slough off. joyand); cop out (от чего-либо; avoid doing something that one ought to do Val_Ships); shirk (от чего-либо Val_Ships); shirk (with от); skulk
Makarov. hang back
obs. sculk
slang featherbed; fluff off; gold brick; goof off; pike (gauma); dog it (от работы и т.п.)
отлынивать: 36 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling2