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однодневные контактные линзыstresses
ophtalm. daily disposable CLs (leahengzell); daily contact lenses (Чем удобны однодневные контактные линзы? Однодневные линзы рассчитаны на ношение с утра до вечера; на следующий день их заменяют. 'More); dailies (Dailies are the ideal contact lens for busy people who don't have time to clean and care for their contacts. 'More); daily disposable contact lenses (Daily disposable contact lenses are single-use lenses that are removed and discarded at the end of each day, and a fresh pair of lenses is applied to the eyes the next morning. leahengzell); daily disposable contacts (Daily disposable contacts are designed to be thrown away after every single use, and people who reuse them risk painful and risky outcomes. 'More)