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нести ответственность по обязательствамstresses
gen. be liable for obligations (Contract provided that such party shall be liable for its obligations under the Contract to the same extent as if it had carried out the work itself. Alexander Demidov); be liable for liabilities (The sole trader remains personally liable for any liabilities of the trading business, up to the extent of their personal wealth. | Upon the dissolution of the club, each paid-up member at that time will be jointly and equally liable for any liabilities of the club. | As part of the sale, Hughes Electronics agreed to be liable for any liabilities of Hughes Space & Communications Company. Alexander Demidov); be liable for debts (Общество несет ответственность по своим обязательствам всем принадлежащим ему имуществом = The company is liable for its debts with all its assets. Alexander Demidov)
law be liable (gov.uk cyruss); incur liabilities (Vadim Rouminsky)
несёт ответственность по чьим-либо обязательствам
law liable for the obligations of (Баян)
нести ответственность по обязательствам: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1