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меж двух огнейstresses
Игорь Миг on the fault line; pig-in-the-middle plight; on the сhopping bloc (Rec center's on the chopping block. –Реабилитационный центр находится между двух огней.)
amer. between the hammer and the anvil (Maggie); catch-22 (Maggie); cornered (Maggie); Hobson's choice (Maggie); in a dilemma (Maggie); in a pickle (Maggie); in a predicament (Maggie); in the middle (Maggie); no choice (Maggie); sitting on a powder keg (Maggie)
fig. between two fires
modern between the devil and the deep blue sea (Nuto4ka)
polit. between the devil and the blue sea (bigmaxus); between the devil and the deep sea (bigmaxus)
proverb between a rock and a hard place (напр, they often find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place Olga Okuneva)
slang between the devil and the deep blue sea ("Ну и работёнка! - говорит комиссар сержанту. - Если я откажусь, то прогневаю начальство. Но если соглашусь, то прогневаю бруклинскую мафию. So I'm between the hell and the deep blue sea". == "...Так что я меж двух огней".)
меж двух огней: 4 phrases in 2 subjects