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колесник nstresses
gen. wheelman; pill user (meaning drug user; sometimes also drug dealer, meaning one who sells pills Tanya Gesse); cartwright
Gruzovik wheeled tractor; wheel-type tractor
Makarov. wheelwright
колёсник n
gen. wheeler; a wheel wright
колёсники n
fant./sci-fi. Wheelers (персонажи романа К. Саймака "Заповедник гоблинов" в переводе Ирины Гуровой: Wheelers : These are a race of aliens consisting of two wheels on either side of a translucent bubble containing luminous bugs. They apparently have hive minds. It is later revealed that they used to be the draft animals of the race that made the crystal planet and the Artifact. They can expel deadly noxious gases that were probably the cause of Maxwell's original "death". wikipedia.org Komparse)