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gen. kithara player
mus. citharode (A kitharode (Latinized citharode) (Ancient Greek: κιθαρῳδός [kitʰarɔː'dós] and κιτηαρῳδός; Latin: citharoedus) or citharist, was a classical Greek professional performer (singer) of the cithara, as one who used the cithara to accompany their singing. Famous citharodes included Terpander, Sappho, and Arion. wikipedia.org 'More); citharist (A kitharode (Latinized citharode) (Ancient Greek: κιθαρῳδός [kitʰarɔː'dós] and κιτηαρῳδός; Latin: citharoedus) or citharist, was a classical Greek professional performer (singer) of the cithara, as one who used the cithara to accompany their singing. Famous citharodes included Terpander, Sappho, and Arion. wikipedia.org 'More)
mus., anc.gr. kitharode (A kitharode (Latinized citharode) (Ancient Greek: κιθαρῳδός [kitʰarɔː'dós] and κιτηαρῳδός; Latin: citharoedus) or citharist, was a classical Greek professional performer (singer) of the cithara, as one who used the cithara to accompany their singing. Famous citharodes included Terpander, Sappho, and Arion.: Сын прекрасной нимфы и фракийского царя Фамира — прославленный кифаред (музыкант, играющий на кифаре), гордый своим талантом. wikipedia.org 'More)
кифаред: 2 phrases in 1 subject