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квалифицированное большинствоstresses
gen. supermajority (квалифицированным большинством в две трети голосов: The fact that the veto can only be overridden by a supermajority of two-thirds of the House of Parliament concerned makes the presidency the third House of Parliament. For example, for an amendment to be added to the US constitution, it must be approved by a supermajority of two-thirds in both houses of Congress. Alexander Demidov); qualified majority (A majority in a vote that reaches a preset threshold value larger than 50%. A qualified majority is often required instead of a simple majority for reaching a decision in particularly important matters such as modifying by-laws in an association. Syn: supermajority Ant: qualified minority. WT. A supermajority or a qualified majority is a requirement for a proposal to gain a specified level or type of support which exceeds a simple majority (over 50%). wiki Alexander Demidov)
busin. special majority; higher majority (H-Jack)
EBRD supermajority requirement (необходимое для одобрения решения о слиянии компаний вк)
elect. particular majority (pelipejchenko)
IMF. qualified majority
notar. special majority e.g., a two-thirds vote more than a majority vote
 Russian thesaurus
квалифицированное большинство
gen. большинство 2/3 или 3/4 голосов присутствующих или списочного состава, необходимое в ряде случаев для принятия правомочных решений напр., в большинстве стран квалифицированное большинство необходимо для принятия конституции или внесения в нее изменений. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
квалифицированное большинство: 21 phrases in 8 subjects
Corporate governance3
European Union1
International Monetary Fund1