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истина в последней инстанцииstresses
gen. monopoly on the truth (segu); sole possessor of ultimate truth (disk_d); the ultimate truth (bigmaxus); last word (Maxim Prokofiev); unappealable truth (Liv Bliss); the only truth (I don't purport to have the only truth – Я не утверждаю, что я истина в последней инстанции grafleonov)
cinema sacred cow
fig. holy writ ("But just because these people claim to be experts doesn't mean their every utterance should be treated as holy writ." – James Delingpole, The Spectator, 7 Apr. 2018 VLZ_58); the Gospel (Yakov F.)
idiom. truth of last resort (VLZ_58); claimant to a monopoly of absolute truth (Претендовать на истину в последней инстанции может кто угодно, и претендентов полно. – Anyone can claim a monopoly of absolute truth, and claimants are plentiful. VLZ_58)
inf. gospel truth (Ratings can at best be the verdict of the sampled population, never the gospel's truth. 4uzhoj)
ironic. absolute truth (igisheva)
mil. ultimate truth
истина в последней инстанции: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
American usage, not spelling1