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журнал аудитаstresses
comp., MS audit history (Information maintained about the history of an item, including all reading and editing sessions); audit log (The SQL Server database in which Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF) stores data about successful and failed transactions for which auditing is enabled); audit trail (A time-stamped record of all the changes that users make to a record. An audit trail also contains the name and identification of the user who made the change, and typically includes the reason for the change)
goldmin. audit notes (MichaelBurov)
progr. audit log (т.ж. контрольный журнал; 1) файл, содержащий записи о событиях и реакциях системы 2) файл регистрации выполняемых пользователями действий в некоторых сетевых пакетах и ответственных приложениях. Syn: audit journal, security log ssn); audit journal (ssn)
журнал аудита: 11 phrases in 3 subjects