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Gruzovik, mil. report on the situation
inf. put someone in the picture
mil. give situation report (Yeldar Azanbayev); give a status report (All units, give me a status report now. Mira_G); bring operational situation (Yeldar Azanbayev); give a status update (4uzhoj); call in a situation report (по радиосвязи: Dully he realized that as the convoy commander he was responsible for calling in the situation report and reached for the radio.); paint a picture; put smb. in the picture
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mil. report your status (Charlie 1, report your status over. • Division Six, report your status. Over. – Preparing to engage the target in approximately one minute. 4uzhoj); report in (4uzhoj); what's your status? (при радиообмене: Alpha Five, come in! What's your status? ./ 4uzhoj)